Xtreme sportstol
Fart, spenning og idrettsglede med Xtreme Sportstol
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Xtreme er utviklet for fotball, hockey og andre aktiviteter.
Den har kraft og presisjon både for nybegynnere og den mest profesjonelle spilleren. Ultra lett aluminiums ramme beskyttet med kraftig støtfangere rundt hele chassiset.
350 watt motorer for en aktiv respons og kraft.
Justerbar vinkling av sete og rygg for optimal posisjonering og stabilitet. Setestørrelser 36,42 og 48 cm i bredde. Justerbar setedybde.
Store individuelle tilpasningsmuligheter.
Buddy Brace Comfort Rygg med sidestøtter
Peezy Ligth setepute som standard. Bredt tilbehørs utvalg
JOB meets the need of people with disabilities to have a specific product for the holidays and especially for bathing. The Neatech has created and produced “J’amme ‘o bagn” which is not only eye-catching invitation in neapolitan to bathe in the sea, instead the JOB It has effectively solved the problem of the inability of people with disabilities or temporary limitations to enter the water, thus satisfying the natural desire of
sea and atmosphere of fun and lightheartedness that characterize a vacation day.
The vacation of a person with a disability should not be conceived as a simple moment of escape and entertainment, but also as an
opportunity for growth. Thanks to its waterproof wheels with variable section and controlled deformation, the JOB enables users
and their companions to face pebbles, gravel, snow and dirt, transforming each new obstacle into a source of entertainment.
To facilitate the transport has been studied a tightening system with no fxed restrictions, so the wheelchair is assembled and dismantled in a few minutes and without the help of any tools. JOB It is the ideal solution for swimming pools and bathing facilities not yet equipped for the stay of the disabled, as it allows you to adapt the structure to the rules in force for the removal of architectural barriers.
JOB Walker
JOB Walker
JOB Walker born from the original idea of JOB, the first chair for disabled expressly designed to allow access to the beach without running aground in the sand. This is obtained thanks to the use of patented innovative solutions from Neatech.it, as the wheels made of plastic material with controlled deformation that do not sink on soft soils.
The frame of JOB Walker is made of light aluminum alloy, a material that guarantees a high resistance both to bending stress caused by the support of the user’s weight and to the pushing strength, and to the saline environment corrosion. This product is a walker for people with physical disabilities or simply with mobility problems due to the age, who wish to deal with soft and irregular soils on whose it would be impossible to use traditional supports.
The wheels, always ensuring the greatest possible surface for resting on the ground, allows ambulation not only of sand or snow, but also on other types of non-cohesive soils such as meadows, all these make this product a valid aid usable in all seasons and in all contexts.
The folding seat allows the user to sit down for a stopover on the way, or to enjoy the sightseen. The back and seat are made of sturdy fabric characterized by rapid drying that does not incorporate the grains of the sand.