PASCAL er en stol egnet for evakuering (brannevakuering, jordskjelv, eller rett og slett på grunn av en besvimelse av en person som må følges til akuttmottaket). Den er designet for å tilfredsstille alle nødsituasjoner ved evakuering, både for personer med midlertidige eller permanente bevegelsesvansker, (for eksempel panikkanfall), og den gjør det mulig å klatre opp og ned trappene.
PASCAL er ekstremt manøvrerbar og takket være et beltesystem med bremser istedenfor hjul, er den enkel å bruke. Den gir sikkerhet og stabilitet til de som transportertes. Og den glir ned trappene med samme hastighet som gående.
Takket være tilt systemet som er lett å regulere, er den nyttig på flere typer trapper.
Den kan enkelt manøvreres av en person rundt trange hjørne og ned bratte trapper.
PASCAL er sammenleggbar for å redusere det totale plassbehovet. Den oppbevares i en brannsikker bag/ryggsekk. Og den klargjøres på 5 sekunder. Den kan også monteres i et skap på veggen.
JET is a wheelchair specifically designed for transportation use, within airport, shopping centers, schools, libraries and all institutional buildings. It is light and easy to maneuver because it is designed to maintain the position of the career upright.
JET is equipped with adjustable separate foot-rests and comfortable calf-support; moreover, it is equipped with adjustable flip-up armrests and an effective containing band system, that allows users with reduced mobility to be transported in complete safety within public buildings.
JET has a reinforced structure, an effective system for positioning the footr-ests and a system to fold the foo-trest that facilitates the positioning and movement of the users.
The combination of 16 colors allows the JET wheelchair to match the style and colors of the airport or institutional buildings perfectly. The anti-tear sling seat and the spoke guards, created to avoid injuries to the upper limbs, can be customized with stickers and logo printing for advertising purposes.
INJET is a wheelchair specifically designed for transportation within aircraft or trains. Suitable for transport in narrow corridors to access the assigned seat. It is light and easy to maneuver because it is ergonomically designed to keep the position of the career upright.
INJET is equipped with an effective containing band system for user safety; it is also equipped with ankle support and knee-containing band. It is characterized by a very small size that allows the attendant to take the passenger in his seat, passing along the usually very narrow corridor of the airplanes or trains.
It is equipped with a single footboard that further reduces the overall dimensions and a rear-unbalancing lever that facilitates the thrust. The combination of 16 colors allows the INJET to perfectly match the style and colors of the airport, airline companies, and train companies. Its comfortable and tear-proof canvas it is waterproof and can be customized with logos for advertising purposes.